Motorcyclist in traffic

Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycles can be a lot of fun. The feel of the open road is uniquely experienced when on the back of one. Unfortunately, however, motorcycles also come with some unique and rather serious dangers. Motorcycles are all out in the open. This can make for an exceptionally fun mode of transportation, but it also means…

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Man with a migraine.

Signs You May Have Sustained a Head Injury

Whether due to a slip and fall, a car accident, or some other type of incident, head injuries can be very dangerous. A head injury is considered to be any kind of injury either to your brain, skull, or scalp. This could mean bruising, lacerations, bumps, or, in some cases, a traumatic brain injury. Some…

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Motorcycle on a paved road.

Motorcycle Safety Tips

To many people, riding a motorcycle is more than a mode of transportation. It is an activity, a passion, and something that is greatly enjoyed. Motorcycles are, unfortunately, vastly more dangerous than many other modes of transportation for the simple fact that they do not offer the protection of an enclosed vehicle. Riders are much…

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Close-up of uneven sidewalk.

What Is a Premises Liability Claim?

Under the category of personal injury law, there are subcategories to the practice. There are auto accident injuries. There are medical malpractice claims. There are also premises liability claims. Premises liability claims pertain to those instances where a person visiting a property is injured by a dangerous condition. Here, we talk more about what a…

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Woman on her phone in her car, holding iced coffee.

California Distracted Driving Laws

The age of the smartphone has been upon us for quite some time now. It is second nature for us to check our phones constantly, sometimes without being fully aware of what we are doing. Unfortunately, our dependence on this handheld technology has had some tragic consequences out on the roads. Distracted driving crashes have…

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Attorney discussing wrongful death lawsuit with client.

How Difficult is it to Prove Wrongful Death?

If someone else’s actions caused the death of a loved one, then California wrongful death laws may allow you to file a claim seeking compensation for some of your losses. This is true whether the actions of someone else causing the death were intentional and with malice or only the result of negligence. In order…

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Bicyclists in Los Angeles.

How Bicyclists Can Stay Safe on the Road

Summer is a great time to hop on your bike and get some fresh air. This fun and active way to get from here to there is enjoyed by many. To keep biking as a fun, recreational activity, let us discuss how bicyclists can stay safe on the road. Far too many cyclists are injured…

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